Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Military Wife Pet Peeves...

There are certain things that people do and say that, as an Army wife, just 'get on my pet peeves'.  Some are rude, hurtful, annoying, or just plain ignorant.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • People saying things like "You knew what you were getting into when you married him/let him join the Army."  Yes.  I did.  But 'knowing what you're getting into' means nothing.  You have no idea what you're really getting into, especially with deployment, until you're in the thick of it.  It is SO stressful being the only one dealing with everything, while also missing your best friend and worrying about him constantly... 
  • The disrespect towards soldiers (and marines, airmen, sailors, coasties, etc...)  It's fine to disagree with the wars.  It's fine to disagree with the leaders.  But do NOT disrespect those fighting for this country, giving up, basically, their freedom, to ensure yours.  They sacrifice so much because they believe in something bigger, because they want to keep us safe, because they want to help others gain the same freedoms we have and enjoy.  Yes, you do have freedom of speech.  But don't disrespect those people who fought to get that for you, and who still fight to ensure you get to keep it. 
  • The way some officers' wives treat enlisted soldiers' wives, and vice-versa.  Last I checked, YOU don't wear a rank, and neither do I.  We are all wives, we are all struggling with the same things, and yes, my husband may be your husband's boss, or your husband may be my husband's boss, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.  Grow up, get off your high horse, get out of the high school 'clique' mentality, and BE NICE!
  • Never really being able to plan for anything or knowing what's going on.  I know this isn't something that can really be fixed - things change so much, that change is the only thing you can really count on in military life.  I'm getting more used to it, but as a compulsive planner, and control freak, this still drives me nuts. 
What about everyone else?  What are your annoyances?  (I'm a little cranky today, if you couldn't tell)


Sweet European Dreams said...

I get crazy when one of my friends on FB posts something like, "gearing up for 3 days without the hubby. This is going to be so hard!". I have to use serious keyboard restraint or I could lose a friend with what I'd like to say! I'm cranky today too...ready for a "normal" life again and soon! -diane

Sweet European Dreams said...

Ok, just thought of a MAJOR peeve. The stinkin' reserved parking spaces at the commissary. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a Colonel toting 3 kids into the commissary at 7pm at night, in the snow, to buy Tylenol b/c one of the kids is sick. In other words, they do not NEED stinkin' reserved parking at the commissary!

Mrs Austin said...

I've been known to vent on my facebook about girls whining about spending two days away from their husbands... That drives me nuts too!

JG said...

Okay. I've got one now. The people who only show up to complain, but never to contribute. But insist they'd "like" to contribute, they just don't have time, and no matter what you do, you're doing it wrong.

I never want to hear anyone ever complain about their FRG leaders ever again.

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